Thanks for your interest in the Society of Women Environmental Professionals Massachusetts Chapter (SWEP-MA)!
Please take a minute to fill out this quick & easy survey to confirm that you want to be on the mailing list and to let us know if you are interested in learning about becoming a member:
Thanks and check our upcoming events (more info at
November 9, 2023, 5-7PM - Work-Life Sustainability workshop by Jennice Chewlin and networking dinner. Jennice is a great speaker and you don't want to miss this! Hosted by EH&E in Newton, $30 for members, $40 for non-members.
December 5, 3-4PM – Workshop on How to Make Presenting Easy and Effective, Even at the Last Minute! with the Society of Professional Consultants, presented by Stuart Pink, an accomplished speech coach who will teach us how to create a clear and powerful presentation even with limited time. FREE online event.
December 6, 6-8PM – EBC Winter Garden Party at the New England Aquarium, Boston. SWEP-MA is co-sponsoring and our members can register at the member rate! EBC and SWEP members start at $100, government/non-profit attendees are $50, and ascending professional from member companies are $45. Non-members start at $130.
January TBD, 5-7PM - Networking Event at Not Your Average Joe's, Waltham.
March TBD, Overcoming Unconscious Bias workshop and dinner with host VHB.
Learn more and register here: SWEP-MA - Events
Please consider becoming a member or renewing your membership to support our work. Your membership allows us to keep event costs down and supports our free events! Would your company like to host a SWEP-MA event or do you have an idea for a speaker or event topic? Please e-mail
Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you at an event in the future!